The kids and I

The kids and I

Sunday, March 1, 2015

push through

So I did good over the weekend,  went to claim jumper Friday night and got grilled shrimp and a salad bar. Saturday morning we went to breakfast and I only had protein. Sunday I tried paleo chili, it was fantastic.  So I sit here and look at my life, where I've been,  what I've done,  my husband and my kids.  Do you ever just sit back and wonder will it always remain the same way? I lately have wondered it, will we always be happy, will we ever accomplish our goals? Somethings have happened and as I sit here I wonder where our paths are leading, I know that everyday is a new day and I don't know what the future holds but I will live it the best that I can.  In the midst of a day that started out great it turned bad pretty quick. I left and went to the gym and the good thing is I ran my fastest mile,  I lifted heavier weight and I got to think. I thought about the pain that others put on us, the pain we put onto others. What I want to do with myself and my self worth.  I have also realized that emotionally things can change very quickly. So I will go to bed with this, I am changing for me and only me, by doing this I will have greater strength,  a stronger outlook on life and my self esteem will be through the roof...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I started my journey then went off track quite a few times. In August of 2014 I decided to go for it again. I started following a paleo lifestyle and doing Zumba. When starting I was at 220lbs. I went to zumba 5 times a week, sometimes going twice a day so I could get in some of the machines. I meal prepped like a crazy person, I loved going to the gym. About 2 weeks for mine and my husbands first vacation without kids I became burned out. I wanted no part of the gym, meal planning or anything. We left to New York on Oct 19,2014, our Anniversary. Over vacation we walked, a lot, 49 miles to be exact. I dropped 3lbs while on vacation, that never happens, or at least to me it doesn't. The holidays came and went, and I maintained my weight. Awww the new year, time to start up again, then I got sick, my kids got sick, we lost a family member, had to put our family dog down, the kids got sick again and I gained a few pounds. Well that brings me to this week. I am at 194 lbs, I am back at the gym and working out, I even ordered T25. I am not going crazy and overboard with planning, prepping and exercising but I am keeping it consistent. I don't want to ever go over 200lbs again.

As it stands I am happy to see the weight coming off. I am going through issues on where I stand with my husband. I have never been jealous but some things have happened and lets just say I feel like I don't hold the same place with my husband as I did before. Emotionally it has been a roller coaster these past couple months. I am determined whole heartedly this time around.

Friday, February 24, 2012

weight loss journey

So I started my diet in Jan. I dont think I was quite ready, well my body was but my mind was not. So fast forward to today, I restarted my journey on Sunday 2/19/12. I am eating right, taking my shakes, and I started doing INSANITY. I am extremely sore just from the fitness test yesterday but I will push through this. There is no looking back. I weighed in at 223 on sunday and am at 218 as of today, my official weigh in day is sundays. I feel great so I know I am ready to keep this up.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1 1/2/2012

So today is day 1 of my new blog. I am Tiffany, a wife, and mother of 3. I have decided that by writing a blog it would help me to stay accountable for my actions, help me improve my quality of life, and to help me become the best mother and wife that I can be. I love my family, and since having our 3rd child he has really completed our family. I will start off with my New Years resolutions for this year.

1st I am a diabetic, I have to get in shape so I can be healthier and kick the diabetes, it's not just because "oh it's New Years gotta lose weight", its "If I want to live a fulfilling life and be there for my kids and husband then I have to lose weight and be healthy" I guess I have been kind of in denial since the birth of my 3rd child 3 months ago.

2nd- I really need to get my affairs in order and quit letting the little things hold me back. I have the potential to do really well.

3rd- I need to learn how to deal with the stubborness, and strong will of my 3 year old, the hard headed, argumentative, pre teen 11 year old, and the needs of a 3 month old all at once, without pulling my hair out.

I will update when I can. I dont have much time for myself as my family needs me for something all the time. I want to start new traditions, take time out for the little things, and just enjoy living life and being happy.